Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fluoride in our Water – The Truth?

Fluoride in our Water -The Truth?

fluoride in drinking water

Fluoride is the name given to a group of compounds that are composed of the naturally occurring element fluorine and one or more other elements. Both organic and inorganic compounds containing the element fluorine are sometimes called fluorides. Fluorides are present naturally in water and soil. (1)

Fluoride is to be added to the water supply of Southampton, U.K. – the first city in 40 years to adopt the policy. (2)

Recently, MP John Denham, Southampton Itchen, has written to Health Secretary Andrew Lansley to ask for clarification of the coalition government’s policy on the potential fluoridation of Southampton’s water supplies.

Mass Medication

In the past, water companies were reluctant to fluoridate for fear of being sued. However, in 2003, new legislation was brought in by the government which gives the 28 strategic health authorities the power to compel water companies, which will be compensated if any legal liabilities occur, to put fluoride in the mains supply and enforce mass medication.(3)

In the early 1940's, scientists discovered that people who lived where drinking water supplies had naturally occurring fluoride levels of approximately 1 part fluoride per million parts water (ppm), or 1 milligram fluoride per liter of water (mg/L), had fewer dental cavities. (4)

In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, adjusted the fluoride content of its water supply to 1.0 ppm and thus became the first city to implement community water fluoridation. By 1992, more than 60 percent of the U.S. population served by public water systems had access to water fluoridated at approximately 1.0 ppm.

Phosphate Fertilizer Industry

Whilst the fluoride was naturally (organic) occurring in the cited initial study in 1940, the fluoride added to water is not natural (inorganic). The chemical added to our water is a fluorine compound called hexafluorosilicic acid and its salt, sodium hexafluorosilicate that is created as a by-product from the phosphate fertilizer industry as well as in the manufacturing of steel, aluminum, glass, and cement. (5)

read full article at Heroin and Cornflakes

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