Circumcision that is performed for any reason other than
physical clinical need is termed ‘non-therapeutic’ (or sometimes
‘ritual’) circumcision.
Some people ask for non-therapeutic circumcision for religious
reasons, some to incorporate a child into a community, and some want
their sons to be like their fathers.
Most circumcisions are performed during adolescence. In some countries, they are more commonly performed during infancy. The United States circumcises a majority of its male infants. Circumcision is an American cultural value and is accepted as “normal.”
In Canada, statistics show more Canadian parents are not having
their infant sons circumcised. The rate for male infants in Canada has
dropped from about 50% in 1998, to about 20% in 2000. The overall
incidence of male circumcision for all of Canada declined to about 13.9
% for the year 2003.
It is the position of the Canadian Children’s Rights Council that
“circumcision” of male or female children is genital mutilation of
children........ more at Heroin and Cornflakes
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